How to Prep Your Plumbing for the Colder Months
Homeowners don’t usually notice a problem with their plumbing system until after something goes wrong. With minor problems, you’re simply inconvenienced. But when a pipe bursts, something not out of the ordinary during the winter, expect massive damage resulting in major repair and restoration costs. Rather than see this occur, take time to prepare for the cold season and preserve your plumbing system.
Checking Out the Pipes and Drains
If your pipes haven’t undergone an inspection in many years, it won’t hurt to have things checked out. Likely, there’s a fixture that could use an upgrading or some other minor work that’s past due. Request a fix and ask for inspection at the same time. Make sure to ask the plumber about any recommendations for winter prep. The plumber might suggest installing additional interior valves to close down lines. Say you don’t want water running to a second bathroom. You could shut off the water and drain those lines, leaving you with less to worry about. Sutton Brothers Service & Repair handles all plumbing work.
Don’t Overlook Exterior Faucets
The plumbing inside your home might be the least of your concerns. Exterior faucets connect to pressure lines that “grow” out of primary plumbing lines. The lines running to the faucets not only act as a way for water to exit, but they also create a portal for cold air to enter. Freezing air can then freeze water in the lines, causing pipes to burst. Since you won’t be out watering the flowers in 15-degree weather, perhaps it is wise to shut off the water supply to the faucets, drain the lines and then use an exterior cap to seal the faucets off from cold air.
Keep Everything Warm
Pipes freeze when the temperature drops to freezing levels. Make sure your furnace doesn’t fail you. Get it serviced, too. And invest in pipe blankets designed to keep them warm. Do you have a crawlspace? Make sure there’s a sealed cover to keep cold air out.
Never put off calling Sutton Brothers Service & Repair when you want plumbing work done. Someone is available to take your call today. Kernersville residents can also inquire about heating and cooling services.